***************** Command-line parameters ******************** USAGE: SETUP.EXE Param1 [Param2 ...] VidModeSelect - this will enable a dialog the lets the user choose between the "3Dfx" or "Standard" installations. Without this switch, the 3Dfx version is automatically installed if a correctly installed 3Dfx card is detected, and the standard version is installed otherwise. InstallDirectX- this will allow the user to install DirectX even if the version on the CD is the same or older as than the one they already have installed. ************** Resources used by the installer *************** SDBLURB.TXT - Text to display in a "Text Message" dialog, the second dialog of the install. If SDLURB.TXT is not present the "Text Message" dialog is skipped. SRC[123...]BG.BMP - The background of the install window. The image is resized to fill the entire screen at the current screen resolution. SDLG[123...].BMP - The image displayed on the left side of every Install Shield Dialog. NOTES: The [123...] portion of the file name represents the number of the dialog it is assocated with: 1 = Welcome Dialog 2 = Text Message Dialog 3 = Choose Folder Dialog 4 = Choose Start Menu Folder Dialog 5 = Finished Dialog For example, to display custom background and dialog bitmaps for the Text Message Dialog screen, put your custom SRC2BG.BMP and SLDG2.BMP bitmaps in the InstData folder. NOTE: Install Shield does not change the background bitmap very quickly. Having more than one background bitmap can cause a noticable delay on slower machines when switching from one dialog to the next. BGMusic.wav - If this file is present is will be played in the background during the install. This file should be fairly small (<3MB) or InstallShield takes very long to start. DOMESTIC.INI - Contains configuration information for the Domestic installations. INSTALL.INI - Contains configuration information for the International installation. COMFUNC.DLL - Some extra functions used by the installer. FXDET.DLL - Used by installer to detect 3Dfx boards.